
August 30, 2011

Investing with Treasury Bills

Filed under: business, finance — Tags: , , , , , — caribbeanandworldrecipes @ 10:22 pm

Treasury bills are a reliable investment, and are preferred over many other forms of investment ventures. They give much more interest than a regular savings account.


Treasury bills are solid low-risk investments for people of all ages. Earnings from funds invested in treasury notes can be used to create trust funds, or pay for major purchases.


You can purchase treasury notes through a Federal Reserve Bank or a stock broker. Buying through a Federal Reserve Bank is cheaper. When buying through a broker, you have to pay commissions and other fees.

August 27, 2011

Who is Affected by the Greek Debt Crisis?

Filed under: finance, news — Tags: , , , , — caribbeanandworldrecipes @ 6:33 pm

The Greek debt crisis has affected more nations thanGreece. How Eurozone leaders continue to deal with the crisis has far-raching implications not only forGreece, but for many other countries in the Eurozone.


Several banks in the zone have been severely affected by the developments. Commerzbank, based in Germany, has had to write down its Greek debt, which amounted to 760-m euro. This all but eliminated any profits the bank made for the second quarter.


There seem to be only a few options for dealing effectively with the Greek debt crisis. There was a Eurozone leaders meeting recently to discuss these options.

Is the Future Looking Brighter for British Grocers?

Filed under: business, finance, news — Tags: , , , , — caribbeanandworldrecipes @ 6:28 pm

British grocers sell a number of goods overseas, in countries such as theUnited States. Their food stuff includes shortbread, jams and jellies, gravy, tea, crisps and marmalade. Their profits during the recent recession had fallen, as consumers in several countries that receive British exports cut back on spending.


In addition, supermarkets, wholesales and other food retailers and wholesalers saw their sales at home inBritaincut.

Morrison’s was one of several British grocers that recently experienced an encouraging increase in profits.

July 30, 2011

Teach Kids to Budget

Teaching kids to budget is not difficult. Kids should be involved in family decisions about money from an early age. Even a simple act such as deciding how much to spend on snacks in a given week can be an important teaching point for a child.

When kids understand how quickly money can disappear, if it is mishandled, they will be more careful with it.

Older kids can be taught to use software to help them develop their own budget.

Teaching kids these personal budgeting tips will help you and your kids to save money. Teaching your kids to budget is one of the most important financial skills you will ever share with them.

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